
教育 (14) 2024-06-07 17:31:42


在吉隆坡OASIS国际学校,面向未来的教育如何发生? (http://www.cstr.net.cn/) 教育 第1张

  吉隆坡绿洲国际学校招⽣部主任 胡詠絲


  What do you think is the essence of education?



  The essence of education is all about holistic approach in the US curriculum. So students in Oasis International School will get to be involved in all sorts of different activities and different learning styles in Oasis International School.


  Could you please introduce the educational philosophy and objectives of Oasis International School Kuala Lumpur?



  Oasis International School has been started since 2018 in Malaysia, and we have a number of international schools in the US and all over the world for forty years. We are a US curriculum international school and our main core principles are character、leadership and innovation, which helps students in every aspects of holistic approach this is one of our main philosophy in Oasis International School. Of course, Oasis International Schools offer the US curriculum, which is all about differentiated education, and it's about project based learning and variety types of assessments.


  With the advent of AI,What do you think the future of education should be headed in the face of the AI era?



  So AI is a key influence on the world right now. At Oasis International School Kuala Lumpur, we have a launchpad, which is where our technology classes takes place so we do incorporate technology into our learning. But at the same time, we also have traditional style of learning, also in cooperation with AI, we will have technology incorporated into our classes as well. We employ a two-way learning style so we have to say we have AI, which will let students have the opportunity to work on different projects and different types of learning skills.